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  • 中秋节英语介绍简短5句(用英语介绍中秋节)

    首页 > 信息 > 文章正文 发布时间: 2022-09-22 02:57 阅读()

    The Mid Autumn Festival, also known as the festival of offering sacrifices to the moon, the birthday of the moon, the evening of the moon, the autumn festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the worship of the moon, the moon Niang's day, the Moon Festival and the reunion festival, is a traditional Chinese Folk Festival.

    The Mid Autumn Festival originated from the worship of celestial phenomena, and evolved from the autumn festival in ancient times. At first, the festival of offering sacrifices to the moon was held on the autumn equinox of the 24 solar terms of the Ganzhi calendar. Later, it was adjusted to August 15 of the lunar calendar. In some places, the Mid Autumn Festival was set on August 16 of the lunar calendar.

    Since ancient times, the Mid Autumn Festival has had many folk customs, such as offering sacrifices to the moon, appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes, playing with lanterns, appreciating osmanthus, and drinking osmanthus wine. The Mid Autumn Festival symbolizes the reunion of people with the full moon. It is a rich, colorful and precious cultural heritage for the sustenance of missing hometown, missing relatives and praying for harvest and happiness.

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