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  • 宝宝爱听的故事(给你印象最深的童年故事都有哪些)

    首页 > 信息 > 文章正文 发布时间: 2022-09-22 21:37 阅读()













    In the dark night, there are bursts of folk songs that can spread for several miles. Second, there is a power failure. Under the kerosene lamp, women wash and mend.

    The children are looking up at the starry sky. Third, when the warm flowers bloom in spring, rhododendrons are red and beautiful. It's refreshing.

    In summer, there are piles of wild fruits on the mountain, which are red and full of Schisandra chinensis.

    They are lovable in series. During the day, they go to the fields to pluck weeds and catch fish, and at night, they fry with iron to catch loach and eel. Table delicacies.

    In the golden autumn, the happy people forget their fatigue and sadness, look at the full and mature rice, smile, and pick the heavy rice under the moon. It snowed heavily in winter. They covered the birds at the door, put down the ingredients, and sent the line with a bamboo Lou cover.

    As soon as they saw the birds, they pulled the line and caught it. Go to the mountains to find rabbits and pheasants and take them home to share with you. In your spare time, push a stone to grind soybeans to make tofu, and freeze the tofu in ice and snow, which makes it more chewy. The six or seven year old brother caught a eel weighing one kilogram in the field and came over.

    The children were frightened and cried. He said there was a snake and run. There are a lot of materials to prepare for building a house in the rural hometown. Without us, my father can't come back until he works for a week. My brother asks his partner to shoot the thief with a slingshot. Thieves will never dare to steal again.

    关键字: 都有 / 故事 / 印象 / 宝宝 / 给你 / 深的 / 童年 / 爱听 / 
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